Suche nach: Frau 39 - 52 Jahre
für: Freundschaft, Heirat, Romanze, Ernsthafte Beziehung
Gewicht: 46 kg - 60 kg
Grösse: 143 cm - 158 cm
Land: Philippinen
Sprachen: Englisch, Tagalog
Nationalität: Filipino
Figur: Mollig, Normal, Schlank
Haare: Andere, Blond, Ein wenig Grau, Fair, Grau, Kastanien, Kastanienbraun, Leberfarben, Rot, Schwarz
Haarlänge: Durchschnittlich, Kurz, Lang, Sehr lang
Augen: Blau, Braun, Grau, Schwarz
Ethnische Herkunft: Asiate
Religion: Christ, Protestant
Akademischer Titel: Doktorats-Ebene
Style: Andere Stilart, Business, Grunge, Klassisch, Ländlich, Mal so, mal so, Modisch, Sportlich
Familienstand: Geschieden, Single, Verwitwet
Rauchgewohnheit: Ich rauche nicht
Trinkgewohnheiten: Gelegentlich, Nein, danke
Looking For (LF): a Woman after God's heart.
one who lives with faith, authenticity, and a deep love for God.
: She loves and honors her husband,
serving him with grace and kindness.
: She nurtures and guides her children,
teaching them about God’s love.
: She creates a peaceful and loving
environment, where God’s presence is
: She spends time in prayer, studying His
Word, and seeking His guidance.
: She serves others, sharing the love of
Christ and making a difference in the
lives of those around her.
She is independent, capable of navigating life's challenges with resilience.
Understanding of Pastoral Work:
She comprehends the responsibilities and challenges faced by pastors. Empathy and support are part of her nature.
I understand that all these traits in one person may be rare, but I am open to help develop these qualities in someone willing.
I am committed to court her throughout life, while reserving my heart and strength for God
Note: I was married for 23 years, but I lost my beloved wife along the way due to her faltering faith and worldly distractions. Now, I am excitedly turning the next page of my life, hoping to meet someone who shares God’s preference.
If you believe you fit this description, feel free to reach out in my socmed face so book. I am in no rush; I’ll be here, but not for long—I’ll deactivate soon."
May your journey be filled with hope and purpose as you seek God’s preference. ❤