Looking for: Male 25 - 49 years old
for: Friendship, Marriage, Romance, Relationship
Weight: 40 kg - 200 kg
Height: 168 cm - 230 cm
Figure: Normal
Hair: Auburn, Black, Blond, Chestnut, Fair, Grey, Livery, Red, Streaks of gray, White
Hair length: Cut
Eyes: Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Walnut
Ethnic origin: Asia, Europe
Religion: Catholic, Christian
Academic degree: Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, PhD/Doctorate
Style: Business, Fashion, Free
Smoking Habits: I don't smoke
Drinking habits: Social occasions
Zodiac: Gemini
Are you willing to help me when I'm struggling? I don't don't like being compared to others, so if you're that kind of person who will compare and judge me instead of guiding me,Sorry. If you are willing to accept me for who I am then. Hello 🤗. I don't care if you have a child as long as you are responsible man, it's okay. If you know how to respect me and my family it's a plus points.